
MC-Bauchemie Nafutekt Plus Bridge Jointing Compound

The quiet, fast, and inexpensive alternative to steel-based expansion joints.

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Key benefits

  1. NZTA-Approval for  contracts C658N & C677N
  2. Suitable for all new and existing expansion and deck‑end joints

How it works

Nafutekt Plus forms durable, waterproof, elastic traffic joints on bridges and load bearing structures and accommodates changes in length caused by dynamic loads and temperature fluctuations.

The design of joints in bridge decks has a critical effect on the performance and the service life of the bridge itself. This is especially true of decks with a short span or multi-sectioned bridges. Nafutekt Plus is a more economic alternative to conventional hot poured deck joints that need frequent re-sealing.

The design of the joints on short span or segmented bridges is a detail that has an enormous influence on the service life of the structure. A badly designed and/or poorly executed joint will lead to leaks and the penetration of contaminants as the bridge is subjected to dimensional changes. Combined with the dynamic loads imposed by traffic the damaging effects accumulate. Progressive deterioration of the road surface of the load-bearing concrete elements will, if allowed to continue unchecked, eventually necessitate extensive and expensive repairs.

Besides lasting protection for the structure Nafutekt joints give a smoother ride for motorists and cyclists. There is also a significant reduction in noise emission compared to conventional joints.

Areas of application

Nafutekt Plus is applied in layers using a “hot-on-hot” technique. A special graded aggregate is heated and placed in conjunction with a hot poured polymer modified bitumen. The resultant joint is durable, flexible and can withstand high dynamic loads while protecting the substrate against the ingress of water and contaminants. The effects on the structure of seasonal and diurnal temperature changes are fully accommodated.

  • New and existing bridges
  • Expansion and deck end joints
  • Sealing hinged joint sections
  • Traffic joint sealing of segmental bridges

Key benefits

Nafutekt Plus is a tested and approved road surface joint system using polymer modified materials according to ZTV-Ing. Part 8 Section 2. Also approved for use by the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) for Contracts C658N & C677N.

  1. Cost-saving application with basic equipment
  2. Fast application means shorter road closures and less traffic disruption
  3. Significant reduction in noise emission compared to conventional joints
  4. Durable system resulting in lower expenditure for local and national roading authorities
  5. Tried and tested since 1989

Application process

For the application process, download the information brochure.

Concrete Solutions® was formed in 1994 to carry out specialised applications for the repair, protection and  strengthening of building structures.

Concrete Solutions® is well established in the field of bitumen and mastic asphalt applications including the Nafutekt System.

Concrete Solutions® is an IRP Master Applicator Qualified Company. IRP is a German Government Syllabus issued at the BZB institute in Germany. IRP is the only such official training course in the world that gives certification for a company to carry out concrete Injection, Repair and Protection works.

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