We try to keep our website up to date and free from errors. However, we are not able to guarantee that all information within the website is completely up to date or correct. Inaccurate information may also be the cause of human error.
Information should be considered as general information about Concrete Solutions® and the other companies listed including but not limited to MC-Bauchemie™, Fyfe Co LLC. We hold no responsibility for the content through external links contained within the site, the content is the responsibility and property of their respective owners.
Please contact Concrete Solutions® for exact product information as products can change without notice.
Concrete Solutions® cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect damages or defects that result from using this information. The information on this website is constantly revised and may be changed without prior notice. This does not result in any form of liability.
If you find a problem with the website, please contact us at info.csl@aegion.com